Costume and Props

Costume for Jessica:

Jessica will be seen in gym clothes in one scene, school clothes in another and wearing a coat in the last one. These different costumes show that the protagonist is in different scenes and makes the scenes more realistic for the audience watching.Image result for coat

Costume for James: James is going to be seen wearing a dark hoodie and dark trousers. This is due to him being the false hero and the antagonist and this is present for the audience when he chases Jessica in the alleyway (however the audience does not know that this is him). The hoodie is dark so his true identity is not revealed. By having the antagonist in a hoodie, we reinforce Barthe’s idea of engimatic code with the costume covering his face and who really is being a mystery.

Image result for dark hoodie

Image result for dark jeans

Costume for Ella: Ella is only seen in one scene but when she is seen, she is seen wearing gym clothes as she has just finished practicing netball and is seen comforting Jessica when she is upset.

Costume for JJ: The costume for JJ is a pink t-shirt grey jeans and black shoes. The audience can see this (apart from the black shoes) when Jessica walks into his room and sees that her brother is dead.


The main prop that we used in the trailer was a knife. We see this both at the beginning of the trailer and at the end. The knife is used to show that it is the item JJ was killed with and also represents the thriller genre. This reinforces Levi-Strauss’ idea of binary opposites as through the use of props, the audience are aware of who is good and who is evil with the antagonist trying to kill Jessica with him already killing JJ.
